Before you Smudge, Do this!

Before you Smudge, Do this!

Have you ever smudged before?

If you haven’t ever tried smudging before, what is stopping you? Is it that you have no idea where to start?

If so, I totally understand. It’s really easy to feel overwhelmed and maybe even a little intimidated when making the decision to smudge for the first time. It’s a sacred ritual, and the last thing you want is to do it wrong!

A lot of people are worried about getting the practice of smudging ‘exactly right.’ I’m here to tell you that there’s not ONLY one right way to do it. Though there definitely are certain guidelines and Indigenous protocols to follow, everyone has their own style. And that’s part of what makes smudging so powerful.

Before you learn to smudge or try smudging with sage for the first time, or the second or third time, you’ll want to watch this and learn about these 3 very important things in this video. 👇🏽

Here’s what you need to know: There are 3 important things that you should do before you smudge. Before you get going, make sure that:

1: you're moving through the process respectfully, and

2: you're getting the absolute most out of your smudge.

Those are the two main lines of thought for smudging. There’s no set script, no choreography… All you have to do is make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons, and with the correct mindset.

That being said, let’s get into the three steps for beginners to take before starting their smudge.

#1 Learn about the basics of smudging

In order for you to move through your smudge session respectfully, you should know all there is to know about smudging. That means equipping yourself with what an effective session looks like, along with the purpose of the ritual and its history.

In order to learn all about smudging and its rich and interesting roots, download our smudging guide and read it from top to bottom, then read it again.

You want to make sure you’re very familiar with not only the concept of smudging itself, but where it came from and why it’s done. It’s something that the Indigenous culture takes very seriously.


#2 Determine your why, and your intention for smudging

The next step is to look within yourself and ask why it is that you’ve decided to smudge today. There could be a thousand different reasons; it all depends where your mind is at and what’s happening in your life. A few common reasons that people smudge are:

  • To cleanse a space of negative energy
  • To settle the energy of a new home
  • To overcome grief
  • To ease worries
  • To signify the start of a new season

Whatever your reason is, make sure that you’re familiar with it and that you’re firm in your belief. If you keep your ‘why’ at the forefront of your mind, your smudge session will be that much more powerful and effective. In order for smudging to work, there has to be a reason behind it.


Your reason = your intention.


#3 Prepare your sacred medicines, your smudge kit, sacred items etc.

In order to be fully ready for your smudge to take place, you should have all the items that you need for it to go smoothly. The last thing you want is to start your practice, then realize you forgot something and have to start over after gathering it all!

Create a space for yourself that includes your smudge kit, sacred medicines, sacred items, and whatever you feel you’ll need for your specific smudge. Once you’ve got everything in front of you, you’ll be ready to go - you’ve got your arsenal right there at your service.

Remember, you can always check out our website to complete your smudge kit! We’ve got tons of stuff that can help you out.

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So, after hearing about how to get started before your actual smudge, does the process itself seem a little less intimidating? I hope so!

Smudging should be a calm and therapeutic process, not one that overwhelms you too much to even get started. Just remember to take things at your own pace, and check out Tribal Trade Co. for any smudging resources you might need.  

We have SEVERAL of these resources for smudging with sage

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