virtual and in-person sessions:

Truth & Reconciliation
What is Truth & Reconciliation? How to talk about a complicating topic amoungst diverse backgrounds in your organization. An introductory and interactive workshop for leaders committed to Indigenous Reconciliation.

Medicine Wheel teachings
Learn the importance of balance, inclusivity, and holistic wellness in this workshop by applying Indigenous Medicine Wheel teachings. In this workshop, you’ll learn the fundamental teachings of the medicine wheel and how to determine which lessons works best for your needs.

Smudging with Intention
Learn smudging teachings, the specifics of how to smudge intentionionally. The power of smudging is in your intentions, and you get to set them.

mallory rose
Mallory is an Anishinaabe-kwe, Ojibwe woman from Curve Lake First Nation. She is an innovative, high-energy communicator with over 10 years of experience sharing educational content on Indigenous wellness, cultural education and community engagement.
Her expertise lies in developing practical learning tools aimed to grow awareness, appreciation and resilience of Indigenous people, communities and allies. As a single mother, Mallory enjoy’s spending time with her son and her Granny Susie.

Susie is a traditional Anishinaabe Elder, community leader and knowledge keeper. As an Ojibwe woman from Curve Lake First Nation, she has 70+ years of lived-experience on the traditional territory of the Mich-sagi Nation, and 30+ years as a Public Administration leader serving First Nation community members.
Past President and current Elder for the Ontario Native Welfare Administrators Association (ONWAA), Susie is renowned for sharing cultural teachings, workshop facilitation, and ceremonial invocations.
for organizations and communities committed to reconciliation and well-being through education, inclusivity and resiliency
smudge kits
for groups and organizations distributing gifts to community members, clients, team members or partners