Thoughtful & complete gathering smudge prayer
Creator, thank you for allowing us to all gather here today for this special day.
Thank you for creating our mother earth, and all the beautiful gifts that she provides for us. Help give us the wisdom to be grateful for her, to take care of her, and nurture her health.
Thank you for giving us water that flows through all of us, and our mother earth and falls from the sky. The water that gives us life, and the ability to enjoy each day, and to live in a good, healthy and pure way.
Thank you for giving us fire to keep us warm, to cook our food. The sacred fire helps us to connect with you and all spirits. We are grateful to have fire so we may burn our sacred medicines, to be used for ceremony to help us heal, share stories, and have a peaceful space to gather.
Thank you for giving us clean, fresh air to breath, and to help all living things thrive on mother earth.
We are all thankful for the space we have here to get together, the food that has been prepared for us, and the spirits of our ancestors to keep us safe, and supported on our journey in life.
We are thankful for the four directions that guide us in our travels, the four sacred medicines to heal us on our journey, and use them when needed.
We are thankful for the four seasons that provide us with a fresh start, and a new beginning when it’s needed.
We are thankful for everyone who was able to attend this gathering, so we can celebrate life with each other, and learn from each other.
We are thankful for the elders who can be here to share their wisdom and knowledge with us.
We are thankful for the children who are here to learn and share their energy with everyone.
And we are thankful for everyone in between who are raising our youth, as well as learning from and looking after our elders.
Creator, thank you so much for giving us this beautiful, abundant life and allowing us to all to be here together today.